First let's define what is financial freedom :
The financial freedom can be defined as the ability of an individual to meet all their financial needs and who do have to perform any activity. Financial freedom related to the term passive income is used as a source of income that does not require activity to receive by the recipient.
It is important to stress that an individual who possesses financial freedom does not have to have a high level of income but a high level of free time. It is a term that refers to time wealth and not wealth in money. Wikipedia.
The financial freedom can be defined as the ability of an individual to meet all their financial needs and who do have to perform any activity. Financial freedom related to the term passive income is used as a source of income that does not require activity to receive by the recipient.
It is important to stress that an individual who possesses financial freedom does not have to have a high level of income but a high level of free time. It is a term that refers to time wealth and not wealth in money. Wikipedia.
According to the first part of the definition "revenue source that does not require
activity to receive by the recipient "strictly the trading if required
make a daily, certain activities that are a few hours a day, flexible hours
but you need to perform an activity each day.
The advantage is that once acquired the skill we need more than a couple of hours
day, all you want to do more (I sometimes spend hours and hours studying charts)
It is pure passion, but usually within two hours, there are days when we liquidated 15 minutes
working day.
The trading also allows scheduling flexibility. To make trading we have certain times
key, the main one being the American opening, 9 am NY time (15.30 pm Madrid). 9
to 11,30 (NY) 95% of the work is done, from there it is best to go for a walk or do
any sport. This means that we are rich in time from the outset, we have our time as we want, since working hours are
just two hours, and you work for yourself, at home, with a very tax
reduced, without being accountable to no boss, get in jams every day, forget the not reach
end of the month, or overtime. With time, patience and discipline will also come the
money wealth .
Sometimes people are so programmed that do not accept this state of freedom, believe
it may not be possible, simply because they have spent years being the perfect employee, but
all you have to have to get there is discipline and motivation.
As elements against trading we can list the following
• Soledad trader , usually a lonely race, there is no interaction with anyone,
and when you've finished Monday at 10 am to work there are times
really you do not know what to do.
• You need an orderly life: trading, it has a strong emotional component,
you need to be mentally and physically well so does not allow an intense nightlife
or emotional jolts
• Do not cotizarás to Social Security : I personally do not mind this, I do not want
depend on anyone and I labrum my own future, but there are people who need false
security to feel embraced by the state.
If you want to adopt the trading for a living my advice it is to first learn and
compagines with your work, you never leave the job to devote to trading without ever having
You made that do not use the money to your mortgage trading, because you will not operate well
with that pressure over earmarks money you will not need to trading, from there
peacefully, go learning step by step and the results will come. The road is very
nice and exciting.
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