There are currently around 800 cryptocurrencies around the world, whose total capital amounts to about 28 billion US dollars, according to data collected by the website Among all the criptodivisas or cryptocurrencies the one that stands out is the bitcoin, which collects half of the total capital of all the cryptocurrency in the world, about 19 000 million dollars. And it is that, this strong virtual currency nothing else does that to grow and to devastate with all the misfortunes that are in their way, as it happened in the most recent case after the fall that suffered its quotation of more than 1000 dollars after knowing that China would prohibit the ICO first and, later, the negotiation of the cryptocurrencies in the Exchanges.
In this last time, due to the high volatility suffered by the main cryptocurrencies, as are the cases of bitcoin, ethereum and litecoin, it has become fashionable among traders and investors around the world to trade with these cryptocurrency, which are already considered new assets. Due to this fact, many brokers offer cryptocurrency among the well-known trading instruments, such as: currencies, CFD and binary options. The brokers that work with bitcoin are an example of this. In addition, there are already different Forex Trading platforms with which we can easily operate the most volatile cryptocurrencies.
To help you choose a broker that fits your trading needs, we provide a section where you can compare Forex Brokers. We also have a list of binary options brokers, as in the case of Contracts for Differences, we offer an extensive list of CFD brokers.
Next, we are going to expose which are the virtual currencies that offer greater volatility when it comes to trading, which can be translated as a greater possibility of making money.
Undoubtedly, the most famous cryptocurrency and the one with the highest volume of operations. Know the future that awaits you at bitcoin, reading our bitcoin perspectives article for 2018.
We could say that it is the second cryptocurrency that moves more volume after bitcoin. In fact, many experts think that it will be the true rival of bitcoin, since they are starting to offer greater privacy and security than bitcoin.
The difference between the ripple and the other electronic currencies is that it is pre-mined. It is rumored that the ripple code will be used by the financial industry to create its own cryptocurrency. In fact, we can say that Banco Santander is already carrying out its first tests to be the first Spanish bank to create its own cryptocurrency.
Litecoin is the closest thing to bitcoin currently offered by the cryptocurrency market. However, their transactions are faster than those of bitcoin. And its encryption method is also different from bitcoin.
One of the best brokers that currently exist in the market to operate cryptocurrency is, without a doubt, eToro (website). This trust broker, besides being regulated by the FCA of the United Kingdom, not only offers the largest social trading network in the Forex world, which is the most successful traders and investors around the world, but also now offers the possibility of operating through CFDs (Contracts for Difference) the cryptocurrencies with the highest potential (bitcoin, ethereum, ripple, dash, litecoin and ethereum classic) against the US dollar (USD).
The minimum size of the transaction is $ 25 (0.01 units). Before that, it will be necessary to open an account with the eToro broker. Then to open an account we will have to make a minimum deposit of only $ 200. After having made the deposit, we will only have to access the eToro online platform. And once we are there, we will have to choose to operate with virtual money (virtual portfolio) or real money (real portfolio). Once the portfolio to be used has been selected, we will only have to choose which cryptocurrency we are going to operate with.
It is recommended that before starting to operate in real, we use the demo account, with no time limit, with a deposit of $ 10,000, yes, virtual.
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