The Greatest Trading Book – Ever!
If you‟ve noticed the small number of pages in this ebook, you may suspect that this is not the Greatest Trading Book – Ever!
And you‟d be correct. But don‟t worry; there‟s a simple explanation. This book will explain exactly how you can create The Greatest Trading Book – Ever! You see, it‟s not a book you can buy. It‟s something you create
Your “Market Structure Journal”
Over the last decade I have easily read well over a hundred trading books.
And while I consider a small handful of those to be absolute „must read‟ books (see for a list), there‟s one book that I continue to refer to almost daily which has had a far greater influence on my results than any other book.
That book is my “Market Structure Journal”.
A “Market Structure Journal” is a folder containing printouts of charts, along with notes detailing my observations about market structure and price movement.
Why do I rate this book so highly?
Because one of the keys to trading success, in my opinion, is to develop the ability to read the market – feeling and understanding the flow of price as it unravels at the hard-right edge of the chart.
Simple setups do not work; consistently failing to adapt to the ambiguous and uncertain nature of market price action.
Real opportunity is found through developing a feel for the nature of the market environment and how the current price action is flowing within that environment - commonly referred to as understanding the market context.
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